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Contact Information

Jimmy Leslie (Class of 1985) is the site owner and primary contact.

In order to minimize the number of valid email addresses accessable to the web spiders (information gathering programs), I have only listed my email address on the public side of the site. Once you have registered and logged in, you will have access to many of your classmates as well as the Class Admins.

Class Admins
Class Administrators (usually one per class) have the responsibility to keep in touch with alumni, help maintain the site's class data, help in planning social and reunion events, etc. Their names can be found on your Class Home Page, near the bottom. They have been absolutely priceless in helping develop the site, providing suggestions and input to make the site better, providing contact information for alumni, getting the word out and helping people get registered. I honestly cannot thank the Admins enough for all they have done and continue to do.

All Other Questions/Comments
For any other questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to Contact Me at